Aboult ANOLE

Hot Runner System In Industry
author:Anole   2023-12-08   click:278

Hot runner system is widely used in mould which is widely used in the industrial areas. Such as electronics, automotive, medical, daily necessities, toys, packaging, building, office equipment and other industrial area..

Hot Runner System In Industry

Hot runner system in industry widely applied in making various plastic , such as PP,PE,PS,ABS,PBT,PA,PSU,PC,POM,LP,PVC,PET,PEEA,PEI,ABS/PC...anything used in the cld runner mould plastic can be used in hot runner system. And also the accessoies whose weight among .0.1g-30kg can be making nicely in the hot runnner system. What is more, hot runner system are widely used in dustry Since it can help made many complete industrial moulds with very competitive price. Such as car front door handle mould . In the field of mold, auto mold is very complex. Not only the appearance of complex shape, but also the complex internal structure. So we can not just made the mould with normally structure. Since product surface can not be made by simple plane. The product can not inject in the adhesive side. There are two ways can ensure the products, the first way is three opening mould. but in this way the cost will be very high . The second way as the most used way is apply the hot runner system , hot runner can ensure the flow in the molten state when it is injection, so the mold would have no head or small head, and greatly saves raw materials. That is the reasons hot runner system in dustry is widely welcomed by customers .

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Add:369# XinJiang Rd., Xinqian Street, Huangyan Taizhou, Zhejiang, China

Tel:+86 138-5865-8631


E-mail: service5@anole-hot-runner.com


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