Aboult ANOLE

Temperature Control Box Stability
作者:Anole   2023-12-08   浏览:311

Temperature control box is an important part of the hot runner system. The stability it catches many people’s eyes. Here i want to show you the factor which influence temperature control box stability.

Temperature Control Box Stability

First, temperature measurement, sampling the cycle parameters and data processing temperature measurement circuit to measurement precision. Second, PID control, by regulation reflects the proportion of output current, and the relevant parameters have proportion, integral differential time.

Third, Automatic adjustment. through analysis the capacitance of hair hotline and mould thermal constants, provide its functure of dominant factor ( including the Latent heat and cooling regardless )nomatter How the environment changes , it would contribute to the precise temperature control. Fourth, output mode: according to the environment can be changed . There are two out put modes . First , SSR (PIDD) mode: can achieve accurate temperature control, but the noise of power is much bigger than PWM mode. Another one is PWM (PID) mode: current noise is small, but the specific temperature control ability is worse than SSR mode. Here are the forth factors which influce the Temperature control box stability.


Temperature control box stability , hot runner system, temperature control box


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