Aboult ANOLE

Valve Gate Hot Runner System Application
author:Anole   2023-12-09   click:257

Anole is a high quality hot runner system maker in china , we have three main styles of this. Those are pin point gate, direct gate and the valve gate . Here are want to show you the valve gate hot runner system application.

Valve Gate Hot Runner System Application

Valve gate hot runner can control the time for the nozzle to open to en sure the cavitity being filled smoothly and tyhe melt can be flow banlancedly. In this way the weld lines can be eliminated and the products can be nicely. That is why valve gate hot runner system is widely applicated in injection the products with high surface quality requirements. The sencond point is that the valve gate hot runner applicate the larger diameter gate, can make the melting liquid flow quickly , so as to shorten the molding cycle time and better protect pressure. And also valve gate hot runner system can Effectively reduce the internal stress of products to improve the stability of the parts. Those are reasons why valve gate hot runner system are application in the moulds.


Hot runner system, valve gate hot runner system application , chinesse hot runner 


Any interested ,please feel free ro contact Lenny

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E-mail: service5@anole-hot-runner.com


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