Aboult ANOLE

Benefits Of Valve Gate Hot Runner
作者:Anole   2023-12-09   浏览:280

Valve gate hot runner systen widely used in making products with high precision, such as instrument panel, bumper, household appliances, automobile and motorcycle accessories, etc. Since the it have many advantages to promise the quality of the goods. Here i want to show you some benefits of valve gate hot runner .


Valve gate hot runner wins more and more honor among the customer since it has five main special features . First , products surface have no gate mark, so it is suitable for processing fine surface. Second, there are valve needle in the inner side, needle valve controled by the pneumatic or hydraulic . Third , timing control, switching can be controlled punctuality. Fourth, good sealing performance, products with smooth surface with valve gate system and also the speed is faster. Fifth, sutiable goods with high precision since the plastic flowing condition is well in this system. Here are the main benefits of valve gate hot runner .

Benefits Of Valve Gate Hot Runner

Valve gate hot runner , benefit of valve gate hot runner, china hot runner


If you are interested in or want to know anything about valve gate hot runner system or hot runner system . Please feel free to contact me.

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