Aboult ANOLE

Heat Insulation Style Hot Runner System
author:Anole   2023-12-09   click:268

Anole a professional hot runner system maker in china. Heat insulation style hot runner system is a main style of hot runner. Here I want to introduce you with this style.


Mould with heat insulation style hot runner means the mould with a template consisting of large channel. We do not heating the channel, but since the size of flow is large enough, the heat insulation effected by wall plastic which was condensation in the flow channel at working conditions, combined with the thermodynamic which was produced by every shot, to maintain the smooth flow of melt material in the passage.

Heat Insulation Style Hot Runner System

The advantages of this style: the design is less complex, the manufacturing cost is low. The drawback is that sometimes the gate will form the condensation; in order to maintain the molten condition, the cycle time should be very fast; in order to reach the melting condition in the temperature stability, we have to prepare for a long time. Another problem is very difficult to achieve consistency of injection molding. Because there is no heating system in the hot runner, and therefore it require a higher injection pressure, so the cavity plate may deformation or bending by this.


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If you have any interested in heat insulation style hot runner system or other style hot runner system, please feel free to contact me.

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Add:369# XinJiang Rd., Xinqian Street, Huangyan Taizhou, Zhejiang, China

Tel:+86 138-5865-8631


E-mail: service5@anole-hot-runner.com


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