Aboult ANOLE

The Advantage And Disadvantage Of Hot Runner
author:Anole   2023-12-11   click:221

Hot runner system is widely used in all kinds of injection mould to produce plastic products, which needs expensive cost and difficult technology.Before the mould company start to produce the mould, they must to study the feasibility of the it. Mould company must have to analyze the plastic products in the condition of the given production and technology.We will analyze the advantage and disadvantage of hot runner system.


Profit analysis is evaluated from decrease the plastic material,increase the production and put the injection machine to good use. As we avoid the waste of the material on main sprue and the runner ,it can reduce the cost of the raw material and avoid the cost to to handle with the waste material. The cost to recycle, smash,dry and store the waste material is saved.

The hot runner system technology can increase the efficiency of the production by decrease the injection cycle time and realize the automation of the hot runner mould.

The Advantage And Disadvantage Of Hot Runner


After adopting the hot runner system technology, it will increase the cost of hot runner system design,manufacturing cost,the cost of the temperature controller and matched transformation cost of the workshop including buying new injection machines,robot arm to pick the plastic parts, supervision equipment and the modification cost for hot runner.


Mould manufacturer or plastic products manufacturer will balance the advantage and disadvantage of hot runner system.


If you have any inquiry for hot runner system,please do not to hesitate to contact me.

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Add:369# XinJiang Rd., Xinqian Street, Huangyan Taizhou, Zhejiang, China

Tel:+86 138-5865-8631


E-mail: service5@anole-hot-runner.com


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