Aboult ANOLE

Germany GC Thermocouple
作者:Anole   2023-12-08   浏览:269

Anole hot runner system has signed an agreement with Germany hot runner heating elements in 2001.

Anole hot runner is use Germany GC thermocouple and HOTSET heater coil to manufacturer hot runner system.


HOTSET heater coil is honoured as ‘ most stable,longest heating element in Germany.

Anole hot runner made in China,technology from Portugal,Heating elements from Germany.

These advantages make Anole hot runner system heating stable,easy to change color and save the cost.


Germany GC thermocouple advantages:


easy to assemble and change

High precision measurement

Wide measuring range (200 ℃ ~ 1300 ℃, under special circumstances - 270 ℃ ~ 2800 ℃)

Thermal response time is fast

high temperature resistance can reach 2800 degrees

Lond using time


Germany GC thermocouple structure is guarantee thermocouple reliable and steady work.

Germany GC sensor structure requirement: two hot electrod’welding must secure and two

hot electrod should be well insulated between each other, in case of avoiding short circuit.......

Anole hot runner system,also is the biggest Germany GC sensor and HOTSET flexible heater agent in China.


Demi written




Kewords:Germany GC thermocouple   HOTSET heater coil   Germany GC sensor   


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Add:369# XinJiang Rd., Xinqian Street, Huangyan Taizhou, Zhejiang, China

Tel:+86 138-5865-8631


E-mail: service5@anole-hot-runner.com


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