Aboult ANOLE

Gas-Assisted Injection Molding Merits And Gas-Assisted Injec
author:Anole   2023-12-11   click:273

Gas-assisted injection molding is widely used in making uneven wall-thickness products. since such products are very different to make and need high technology to maker them. We can provide customers such a art. because  we know gas-assisted injection molding merits and gas-assisted injection molding advantages. 

Gas-Assisted Injection Molding Merits And Gas-Assisted Injec


gas-assisted injection molding merits are as following: first , the cost of equipments will reducing when using this technology to make products since this technolgy use "underfeeding injection" ,to make the fusant's filling of the mold cavity is accomplished under the pushing force of gas in the fusant . so te injection pressure and locking force will be low.  second, since the injection pressure is lower than others so the distortion of the products will be slight warp. Third,  is that the surface quality of the products will be very high. since the pressure in the  hollow part are use the dwell pressure so that pressure will distributed uniformed.  Forth, it can be use to make products with diverse wall-thickness. Fifth,because the gas-asisted injection molding have small injection volum .so the production cycle will be short . last but not the least , it can saving plastic materials for gas in the cavity occupied part if the volume. those are  some advantages of gas-assisted injection molding.


if you are interested in gas-assisted injection mould or hot runner and other moulds , please let me know, we know well about gas-assisted injection molding merits and gas-assisted injection molding advantages. And we can be you best choice.

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