Aboult ANOLE

Temperature Control In Hot Runner Sprue
作者:Anole   2023-12-08   浏览:286

Sprue is the most imprtant part in hot runner system mould, since the temperature control system is very complex around the sprue. around the gate area ,the temperature field is dynamic change according to the change of the injection molding process . In the injection molding stage, since the thermal flow ing and the cutting heat, gate temperature is inreasing. In the cooling phase, the temperature around the gate will reduce. That is to say the gate temperature will floating in each injection molding cycle. So temperature control in hot runner sprue is very important. In the ejection stage, the flowing should perfect solid around the gate.If gate is too hot, the folwing may folw out of mold. Otherwise, if the gate solid condition id too big or cold , the gate may can not open in the next injection cycle . For variaty cavity moulds, temperature in differents gate should be the same to ensure the mold can be opened simultaneous .cavities with same filling pressure and injection time, parts to ensure uniform size and weight here are why temperature control in hot runner sprue is very important. Our mould can promise u with the high precision temperature control. Any interested,please feel free to contact me.

Temperature Control In Hot Runner Sprue

temperature control in hot runner sprue, hot runner system, hot runner sprue 



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