Aboult ANOLE

Application Of Hot Runner Mould
作者:Anole   2023-12-08   浏览:282

Hot runner mould is widely used in producting plastic products. Since it has many features can fit the need of maunfacture. Here i want to intruduced the application of hot runner mould.


Hot runner mould have many features. First , it it small pressure lose and can be inject in low pressure and in the mean time it have the incease the quality of the products by the transmit of the pressure. Second, it can be procuct goods in a automatical condition for increase the rate of production and decrease cost. Third, basicly can can reach procudting without scrap material, can save the raw material. However, hot runner molds structure is complex and the cost of mold is higher then other stypes. So it is widely used in products with high quality requirements and lager products demand. Besides, it it applied with material of molding in the low temperature , stability in the high temperature , easy to flow in the low temperature, good thermal conductitive and high distortion temperature which can ensure to enject quickly in the mold. Material like PE,,PP, PVC,ABS ...all have such characters . These are the application of hot runner moulds.

Application Of Hot Runner Mould

 Application of hot runner mould, hot runner moud, hot runner system.


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